Electrical Rules Checker

As a static circuit checking program that operates on the output of the circuit extractor, this program analyzes a layout in terms of transistors and nodes. It identifies and classifies types of transistors and nodes, and highlights unrecognized or incorrectly connected elements. Threshold drop errors and pullup/pulldown ratio errors are identified.
  • Detect often overlooked electrical rules violations
  • Violations and inconsistencies labeled on physical layout and schematics
The Phase Three Logic Electrical Rules Checker provides fast, convenient means of detecting layout errors.

The Phase Three Logic Electrical Rules Checker performs a static check of a MOS circuit. It classifies the types of transistors and nodes in the circuit and highlights unrecognized or incorrectly connected circuit elements. It also identifies electrical rules violations such as multiple pullup transistors, incomplete signal paths, too many threshold drops, pullup/pulldown ratio errors, and propagation errors. The Electrical Rules Checker offers a convenient method of detecting easily overlooked electrical errors in your design before you attempt to simulate the circuit.

You can run the Electrical Rules Checker on a netlist file that you have obtained from a physical layout or from a schematic. It is generally used, however, to verify circuits extracted from a physical layout.


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